Digging To Build The Most Amazing Underground House and Swimming Pool Under the Cliff
Please Subscribe fore More video: www.youtube.com/c/JungleSurvival
Thank you very much for your value time to Watch, Like, Comment, Share, and Subscribe to our Channel, and we will try all our best to find more idea and produce more interesting video for survival purpose living harmony in the deep jungle.
Please watch: «Building Secret Deep Hole Underground Mansion with Around Swimming Pool Underground» www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hmSfdCwFt0
Recently, I have been through a 20-day journey in the rainforest of Vietnam. Using only natural things and primitive skills, I have to create shelter, find food and drinking water for survival. My goal is not simply to survive for 20 days, I also have to create conditions for long-term survival in the forest.
Thank you very much for your value time to Watch,Like,Comment,Share and Subscribe our videos on Primitive Technology Idea Channel, and we will try all our best to find more idea as try to Create more videos to make your assist and more facilities.
If you have any idea or more convenience to support us please dont hesitate to contact with us all time 24TH/7 Days.
How Theys Living? Build Secret Underground Holes With Groundwater Well
Dear Mr/Ms
Thank you very much for your value time to Watch,Like,Comment,Share and Subscribe our videos on Tube Unique Wilderness Channel, and we will try all our best to find more idea as try to Create more videos to make your assist and more facilities.
If you have any idea or more convenience to support us please dont hesitate to contact with us all time 24TH/7 Days.
Thank you very much for your value time to Watch, Like, Comment, Share, and Subscribe to our Channel, and we will try all our best to find more idea and produce more interesting video for survival purpose living harmony in the deep jungle.
Build 100 million house with Modern Luxury Bedroom Underground
— Subscribe Tube Unique Survival Here: bit.ly/2u8MB1c
— Dear Mr/Ms
Thank you very much for your value time to Watch,Like,Comment,Share and Subscribe our videos on Tube Unique Survival Channel, and we will try all our best to find more idea as try to Create more videos to make your assist and more facilities.
Tube Unique Survival Channel: Im from the United State Of America (USA). Im planning to build Underground City in the wild completely from scratch using Primitive Tools. Currently, I found a small Jungle next to the village in South America to building Underground City.
I hope all viewers enjoying and experienced with my hard work contents.
une nouvelle vidéo dans un format très épuré mais jespère que ça vous plaira malgré tout
pour résumer la situation: la cliente vend sa maison et elle avait obligation de réparer la murette fissurée
jai donc blindé le travail pour ne pas quon me rappelle avant des décennies
cest un travail plutot technique mais rien dinsurmontable =)
soyez vous même bordel!
nico ^^
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vous trouverez ci dessous les liens NON AFFILIES de marques sur qui je peux compter pour régulièrement offrir des cadeaux aux abonnés, quand jai besoin ils menvoient du matos, des produits à tester en retex, ça me fait plaisir de leur rendre la pareille mais surtout ce sont des marques PROS, que vous je vous invite vraiment à découvrir, pensées pour les travailleurs acharnés
lapparition en vidéo doutils ou équipements professionnels ne sont pas lobjet dune communication commerciale, à aucun moment nous ne sommes payé avec ces marques si cétait le cas ce serait indiqué directement en début de vidéo avec lindication " inclut une communication commerciale "
bref vous regardez les vidéos gratuitement et si ça vous a plu lâchez un petit commentaire ça fait toujours plaisir ^^
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Смета на 58м2:
вывоз мусора 3
выкопать котлован 4
песок 20
тромбовка 2
трубы и слив 7
пеноплэкс 56
клей пена 2
арматура 41
доставка 4
хомуты, метизы 2
бетон 32
теплый пол 400 м 15
итого 188
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