Семья всегда мечтала жить в своем частном доме. Они собрали денег и купили голый участок, на котором планировали построить свой дом своими руками. Из-за ограниченного бюджета они решили строить каркасный дом на забивных сваях в современном стиле Барнхаус. После окончания стройки многие жители поселка ходили посмотреть на этот дешевый дом — фахверк, им было интересно то, как вообще им удалось уложиться в маленький бюджет и построить такой уютный дом.
℗ 2007 T. Wilbury Limited, Exclusively Licensed to Concord Music Group, Inc.
Released on: 2007-01-01
Producer, Associated Performer, Guitar, Vocals: George Harrison
Producer, Associated Performer, Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals: Jeff Lynne
Associated Performer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals: Bob Dylan
Associated Performer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals: Tom Petty
Associated Performer, Saxophone: Jim Horn
Associated Performer, Drums: Jim Keltner
Associated Performer, Percussion: Ray Cooper
Composer Lyricist: The Traveling Wilburys
℗ 2007 T. Wilbury Limited, Exclusively Licensed to Concord Music Group, Inc.
Released on: 2007-01-01
Producer, Associated Performer, Guitar, Vocals: George Harrison
Producer, Associated Performer, Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals: Jeff Lynne
Studio Personnel, Engineer: Bill Bottrell
Studio Personnel, Engineer: Don Smith
Studio Personnel, Engineer: Richard Dodd
Studio Personnel, Engineer: Phil MacDonald
Associated Performer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals: Bob Dylan
Associated Performer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals: Roy Orbison
Associated Performer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals: Tom Petty
Associated Performer, Saxophone: Jim Horn
Associated Performer, Drums: Jim Keltner
Associated Performer, Percussion: Ray Cooper
Associated Performer, Tom- Toms: Ian Wallace
Composer Lyricist: The Traveling Wilburys
Tweeter And The Monkey Man · The Traveling Wilburys
The Traveling Wilburys, Vol. 1
℗ 2007 T. Wilbury Limited, Exclusively Licensed to Concord Music Group, Inc.
Released on: 2007-01-01
Producer, Associated Performer, Guitar, Vocals: George Harrison
Producer, Associated Performer, Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals: Jeff Lynne
Studio Personnel, Engineer: Bill Bottrell
Studio Personnel, Engineer: Don Smith
Studio Personnel, Engineer: Richard Dodd
Studio Personnel, Engineer: Phil MacDonald
Associated Performer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals: Bob Dylan
Associated Performer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals: Roy Orbison
Associated Performer, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals: Tom Petty
Associated Performer, Saxophone: Jim Horn
Associated Performer, Drums: Jim Keltner
Associated Performer, Percussion: Ray Cooper
Composer Lyricist: The Traveling Wilburys