Дом 100 м2: много это или мало? Как недорого отопить дом без газа? Можно ли построить дома MIKEA из газобетона без потери площади? Что такое система «умный дом» и какая вентиляция установлена в доме? Получить ответы на эти и другие интересные вопросы можно, посмотрев наше видео, приятного просмотра.
Build The Most Beautiful Three Story House Using Mud and Bamboo
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Building Underground Water Maze To The Secret Underground House And Swimming Pool
Hello. Do you know how to build a huge water maze leading to a secret house underground? Watch this video now because we made this underground house perfectly
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78 DAYS TIMELAPSE — Build Awesome Underground – Part 1
Mr.Heang Update: We are from Thailand and we live in United States of America (USA). In this video we going to show you about our 78 days timelapse of building the awesome underground with very simple tools and skill!
How long and where did I build?
I been working very hard with my 2 friends for 78 days to completely build, This underground is in a small jungle of South America, We did together with three people my friends and me as actor.
How large is it?
Underground Base Dimension: Depth 3.2m, circle width 16m, I knew the most of viewer they hard to believe but it real 100% by hand made with tools in video!
If you have any ideas, please leave a comment below my video. I am happy for your constructive feedback. Hope you enjoying my videos!!!
#Architecture #Building
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How To Build House, Swimming Pool, Circle Underground In 79 Days
About Mr.Heang Update
We are from Thailand and we live in United States of America (USA). In this video we going to show you about our 79 days timelapse in 9 minute of building the awesome circle underground house with underground swimming pool with very simple tools and skill.
How long and where did we build?
I been working very hard with my 2 friends for 79 days to completely build, This circle underground is in a small jungle of South America, We did together with three people included Camera Man.
How large is it?
Underground Circle Dimension: Depth 3.8m, circle width 16m, I knew the most of viewer they hard to believe but it is real 100% by hand made with tools in video!
If you have any ideas, please leave a comment below my video.
We are very happy for your constructive feedback.
Secret Underground House
Mr.Heang Update: We are from Thailand and we live in United States of America (USA). In this video we going to show you about how we build Secret Underground House with very simple tools and skill!
How long and where did I build?
This underground base I been working very hard with my friends for 16 days to completely build, This underground is in a small jungle of South America, We did only three people my friends (camera man) and me as actor.
How large is it?
Underground Base Dimension: Depth 2.3m, width 6m, height 4m I knew the most of visitor they hard to believe but it real 100% by hand made with tools in video!
If you have any ideas, please leave a comment below my video. I am happy for your constructive feedback. Hope you enjoying my videos!!!
#Architecture #Building
Follow me on Facebook.com/HeangUpdate
Follow me on Instagram.com/heangupdate
Build Swimming Pool Water Slide Around Secret Underground House
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