
Building The Most Creative Underground House With Decoration Private Living Room

About Primitive Survival Tool: We Have 3 People In the wild, Mr Pen Thy: ( Actor ) Mr chorn vit: ( Actor ) Mr Kimhout (Camera Man). In this video we going to show you about our Building The Most Creative Underground Villa House With Decoration Private Living Room with very simple tools and skill!
How long did we build?
we been working very hard with 15 days to completely build, This Project
How large is it?
— House: width 5 x 7 m
— bed: width 2 x 1.2 m
-Sofa: 1.2 x 0.40 m
we hard to build it because we work by hand 100% and made with tools in video.
Q.Do you live in the wild everyday?
A.Yes! But I dont live in the wild everyday but just go into the bush to make these projects when finish one project we back house. Thank you.
Q: Why do you have camera?

The Most Creative Indoor Decoration For Multiple Room Villa With Private Living Room Decoration

In this video you will enjoy my new creative design of my personal Building The Most Creative Indoor Decoration For Multiple Room Villa With Private Living Room Decoration
Please enjoy
Thank you for watching…
Q.Do you live in the wild everyday?
A.Yes! But I dont live in the wild everyday but just go into the bush to make these projects when finish one project we back house. Thank you.
Q: Why do you have camera?
A: I have a camera because I live in the 21st century, I am not the primitive man
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Newborn Puppies Rescued And Build Heaven Underground Dog House And Red Fish Pond

This is full video of building heaven underground dog house and red fish pond with water falling from dog head sculpture on water wheel to push small wooden fishing man, it look like the beautiful dog playground and dog shelter, then i build the tiger head sculpture as the main gate and it look like the inside has someone who is the powerful live here.
Thank you please enjoy and watch video until the end.
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Build Swimming Pool Water Slide Around Secret Underground House - Full Video

Build Swimming Pool Water Slide Around Secret Underground House — Full Video
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Build Secret Underground tunnel house in water wells in the deep jungle for hidden from enemy

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Love from Life Unique Wilderness.

Please watch: «Building a Secret Underground Water House in a Mysterious Sewer»

Building Water Slide To Swimming Pool Around Jungle Villa

Building Water Slide To Swimming Pool Around Jungle Villa

Please Subscribe fore More video: www.youtube.com/c/JungleSurvival


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Please watch: «Building Secret Deep Hole Underground Mansion with Around Swimming Pool Underground»