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Please watch: «Building Secret Deep Hole Underground Mansion with Around Swimming Pool Underground»
Build an amazing underground palace and swimming pool with pool party
Project (palace and pool for the king of primitive).
We have been building for three months.
We use 3 people to build this secret house.
This modern house is about 10 meter of wide and 2 meter of height
3 meter of deep wells.
We can only dig 3-4 cm a day because the pit is very large. The carvings on our side wall are carved 7 days in style in our country temples.
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Once again thank for your loves and supports,
Love from Life Unique Wilderness.
Please watch: «Building a Secret Underground Water House in a Mysterious Sewer»
This video will showing you about survival life with big party of bushman with they traditional
Make Natural Red Wine, Dig Ground Water well, Make Trap To Catch Wild Boar And Make Big Party
100% You Will Surprise With This Video! Make Groundwater well, Red Wine, And Trap To Catch Wild Boar
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This video showing you all about dig ground to House, Groundwater well ,Swimming pool and Garden.
Theyre build this amazing house by dig ground with ancient skills it really incredible that they can do it
Dig Ground to Build the Most Beautiful Underground Villa With Swimming Pool
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If you have any idea or more convenience to support us please dont hesitate to contact with us all time 24TH/7 Days.
Dear Mr/Ms
Thank you very much for your value time to Watch,Like,Comment,Share and Subscribe our videos on Primitive Survival World Channel, and we will try all our best to find more idea as try to Create more videos to make your assist and more facilities.
If you have any idea or more convenience to support us please dont hesitate to contact with us all time 24TH/7 Days.
Build Underground Soccer Field In The Jungle With Brands And Football Team World Famous
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