
First Primitive Year Compilation | How To Build Underground Swimming Pools

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Jungle Survival: Build The Most Beautiful Bamboo Swimming Pool for Slide Roof Villa by Ancient Skill

Jungle Survival: Build The Most Beautiful Bamboo Swimming Pool for Slide Roof Villa by Ancient Skill

In this video I would like to share you all how to build beautiful swimming pool using mud cement with bamboo as the decoration material, Hope everyone love this work. this bamboo swimming pool best for water slide house. The house design with slide roof, so can be used as slide for swimming.
Please Subscribe fore More video: www.youtube.com/c/JungleSurvival
Thank you very much for your value time to Watch, Like, Comment, Share, and Subscribe to our Channel, and we will try all our best to find more idea and produce more interesting video for survival purpose living harmony in the deep jungle.

Please watch: «Building Secret Deep Hole Underground Mansion with Around Swimming Pool Underground»

Lets Build Your Dream Bamboo Villa Home With Jungle Survival

Lets Build Your Dream Bamboo Villa Home With Jungle Survival
Please Subscribe fore More video: www.youtube.com/c/JungleSurvival
Thank you very much for your value time to Watch, Like, Comment, Share, and Subscribe to our Channel, and we will try all our best to find more idea and produce more interesting video for survival purpose living harmony in the deep jungle.
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Website: www.junglesurvival.net
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Unbelievable! Building The Most Secret Underground Bamboo House Under Pool By Ancient Skill

Unbelievable! Building The Most Secret Underground Bamboo House Under swimming Pool By Ancient Skill Full Episode
Please Subscribe fore More video: www.youtube.com/c/JungleSurvival
Thank you very much for your value time to Watch, Like, Comment, Share, and Subscribe to our Channel, and we will try all our best to find more idea and produce more interesting video for survival purpose living harmony in the deep jungle.

Please watch: «Building Secret Deep Hole Underground Mansion with Around Swimming Pool Underground»

⚫Самодельная ЛЕНТОЧНАЯ ПИЛОРАМА из Подручных Материалов.

Как сделать простую ленточную пилораму в домашних условиях из подручных материалов, да еще и без токарных заказных деталей?
Здесь я подробно рассказываю о изготовлении простой, работоспособной ленточной пилораме для распила досок в домашних условиях. При ее изготовлении я не использовал дорогих деталей, в частности обошелся без токарных робот. Поэтому ее стоимость получилась очень бюджетной, в пределах 500$. При наличии элементарных навыков работы с инструментом ты сможешь повторить мой опыт, и сделать себе такую же пилораму, а то и лучше.

Друзья вы на канале «MY GALAXY». Жизнь своими руками. Здесь мы делимся нашими идеями и экспериментальным опытом в строительстве дома, яхты, семьи…
Я уверен наш опыт будет для тебя полезен.
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Чертежи ленточной пилорамы фото узлов:
У нас есть еще много проектов которыми мы хотим поделится, пару кликов мышки Лайк, Репост, Колокольчик, Коммент, поддерживают нас идти дальше)))

Спасибо всем, за то что Вы с нами на этом пути.

Man Builds Off Grid Log Cabin Alone in the Canadian Wilderness

One man builds a cheap, rustic log cabin in the Canadian wilderness alone and without power tools over several months in 2017.
Please SUBSCRIBE: www.youtube.com/channel/UCIMXKin1fXXCeq2UJePJEog?sub_confirmation=1
So Why Should You Subscribe To My Channel?

To watch me build my next cabin — bigger and better than this one!..
To relax…
To virtually immerse yourself in nature…
To see how I live debt free, stress free and low cost…
To see how I build things alone…
To see how I cook with no electricity or gas…
To hear what steps I took to retire in my mid-forties so I could live my dream life…
To interact with the happiest and most helpful community of viewers on YouTube…
To become more self-reliant.
Finally, one video showing the entire build process from the cutting of the first tree to the laying of the last floor board — no food, no talking, no visitors, just carpentry, bushcraft, timber framing, blood, sweat and tears.
My end goal is to have an off grid, primitive wilderness homestead, where I can practice primitive technology, bushcraft and traditional skills in an effort to become as completely self reliant as possible in this day and age.
In late April, I cut the first balsam fir tree down on the property near Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada. Next, from June until August, I collected all of the building materials and fabricated the cabin using saddle notches in the corners. I cleared the land in August, laid down gravel for a pad and began erecting the off grid log cabin. By September, the walls were done and I started on the roof framing in October.
In November, I burned the roof boards with shou sugi ban, an ancient Japanese technique for preserving wood. Against convention, I installed the roof in board and batten fashion, using my roofing background to come up with techniques to keep the cabin watertight.
Next, I moved inside where I installed a Vermont Castings wood stove on top of a limestone flagstone floor, which extended from the doorway to the center of the cabin underneath the fireplace.
For the rest of the floor, I framed it using 2x4 and 2x6 red pine boards and then installed 2x6x10 boards, which I burned using the same shou sugi ban technique.
Now in December, I chinked the walls with moss and clay and have been spending a lot of time in the cabin, starting rustic furniture made with materials from the surrounding forest.

Autumn Sunset by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: audionautix.com/

To see what I’m up to during the rest of the week, please follow me on my other online channels;

Website: myselfreliance.com/
Facebook – www.facebook.com/MySelfReliance/

Personal Facebook Page (Shawn James) – www.facebook.com/shawn.james.msr
Instagram – www.instagram.com/myselfreliance/

My Self reliance, shawn james, winter camping, Bushcraft, Woodcraft, Survival, Primitive skills, Nature, Preparedness, Homesteading, Homestead, Self Reliance, Self Sufficiency, Living Off The Land, Off The Grid, Primitive Shelters, outdoors

#wilderness #logcabin #offgrid