In this video I make a full size bed (1900mm by 900 mm) for my sons room. I used four ash tree boards for the bed and some pine tree boards for the drawers sides.
I worked mostly in the evenings for 2 weeks. It’s been a laborious
project, but I got a great bed. I am happy how it turned out.
Thanks for watching.
Способ укладки ламината при котором не требуется помощь других лиц и все можно сделать самому.
Продолжение укладки (2-я часть) здесь
Как укладывать ламинат рядами
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The method of laying the laminate in which the help of other people is not required and you can do everything yourself.
Cum se face montajul parchetului laminat în sistem fold-down? Află toate detaliile din acest film din seria ”Academia meșterului HORNBACH”.