
Технология утепления фасада ("мокрый фасад") - видеоинструкция.

Фасадная теплоизоляция СФТК (пошаговая инструкция, полная «режиссёрская версия»)
== Вопросы-предложения-пожелания-заказы: утепление-коттеджа.рф/contacts.php

Как сделать правильно, на какие нюансы обратить внимание, на чём нельзя экономить — вся технология «мокрого фасада» или СФТК подробно и пошагово в настоящем фильме.
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Фильм снят и смонтирован в 4К формате. Ограничения Ютуба пока не позволяют разместить полнометражный фильм в этом формате, поэтому он разделён на несколько частей, которые в «4К» выложены на канале:

1 часть — «Подготовка основания» www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqIJ45h6fYY
2 часть — «Приклейка теплоизоляции» www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IoHn_2nrMU
3 часть — «пока не залито… будет»
4 часть — «Создание базового клееармирующего слоя» www.youtube.com/watch?v=2B6ULrSyFnA
5 часть «Нанесение финишного декоративного покрытия» www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNwWkSR8qiU
6 часть «Утепление каркасного дома по OSB плитам» (будет залито)

Дополнительная информация о фильме на сайте:

Утепление фундамента (цоколя) своими руками

Сейчас я покажу, как сделать утепление фундамента (цоколя) своими руками, по крайней мере, как делал это я. Утепление мелкозаглубленного фундамента я производил снаружи экструдированным пенополистиролом.

Технология утепления следующая:
— откапываем грунт на нужную нам глубину, чтобы установить лист утеплителя;
— очищаем поверхность ленты фундамента;
— грунтуем фундамент пропиткой глубокого проникновения;
— клеим листы утеплителя (в моем случаи это экструдированный пенополистирол, толщиной 50 мм);
— защищаем утеплитель армирующим слоем штукатурки;
— финишная отделка цоколя.

Для наклеивания плит утеплителя я использовал клей пену Soudal easy soudabond, для штукатурки плит клей в мешках по 25 кг thermo universal и master super, армирующую сетку vertex, плотностью 160 грамм на метр квадратный.

Building a Shipping Container Home | EP02 Moving, Cutting, and Framing a Container House

In Episode 2 of How to Build a Shipping Container House we will go over how to move shipping containers with a crane and place them onto the concrete foundation. I will show how I cut openings for doors and windows in the shipping containers and then welded in different types of steel reinforcement. We started the process of installing the plumbing in the floor of the container and show how we had to cut away some of the steel beams to make room for the pipes. I will also talk about how the structural requirements for reinforcing shipping containers and outline the wood structural system we installed in the container.

Link to the company i bought my shipping containers from: www.containerdiscounts.com/buy-shipping-containers-and-build-a-container-home

Follow us on instagram for project updates: www.instagram.com/benjaminuyeda/

Shop the Container Home: www.homedepot.com/c/openhouse
Explore the Container Home: www.uncontained.house/
The website for this project is now up. We will keep adding to it so please be patient. www.themodernhomeproject.com/

Links and Notes:
GoalZero solar panel and power packs:

Erics instagram account:

The Forney Welder I used for all the welding:

Ryobi Angle Grinder

Ridgid Angle Grinder
www.homedepot.com/p/RIDGID-15-Amp-Corded-7-in-Twist-Handle-Angle-Grinder-R10202/300508297?cm_mmc=Shopping|G|Base|D25T|25-9_PORTABLE POWER|NA|LIA|71700000044155732|58700004615424082|92700038837660435

One Man Builds Off Grid Cabin In Alaska

In 2019 my Wife and I sold our house, packed up our stuff, and drove to Alaska. We purchased 2 acres of undeveloped land near the Cook Inlet and set to work.

This video shows me building our 16 x 20 off grid cabin, just in time for our Daughter and winter to join us.

Check out our Blog for more of our story: www.wildnorthdesignco.com/alaskan-journey-blog

All music in the video was made in the loft of the cabin on my computer over winter.
Check out more of my music at bayormusic.bandcamp.com/

You can support us by clicking our Amazon affiliate link before you make any Amazon purchases.
Our Amazon affiliate link is amzn.to/2U5OxBq

Thanks for watching!!!

Amazing Ideas That Will Upgrade Your Home


Web: www.spax.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SPAX.Espana/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/SPAXglobal/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/spax_spain/
LINK VIDEO: youtu.be/9i97vnmmRi0

Web: www.lowes.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lowes
Twitter: twitter.com/lowes
Pinterest: www.pinterest.es/lowes/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/loweshomeimprovement/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/Lowes
LINK VIDEO: youtu.be/-NF5QlSqSu4


Why Were Pouring Our Foundation AFTER Building The House

Why are we working on the foundation AFTER building our house? We are doing our best to explain our reasoning in todays video and we are also getting ready for the next steps in finishing the foundation.
Shop Our Apparel: www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/wild-wonderfull-off-grid

We are a couple building our own home from the ground up in the mountains of West Virginia. After living near the city our entire lives we finally decided to sell it all, pack up our 3 kids and live in an RV on our 73 acres while building our own off-grid house and learning to live a more self-reliant life.
Our house build is documented entirely on our main channel «Wild Wonderful Off-Grid» however, we also have a secondary channel dedicated to our family life outside of the build- «Wild Wonderful After Show».

Couple Builds SHIPPING CONTAINER HOME With No Experience


Check out our t-shirt shop!



Today marks two years that we have been out here building our own off grid shipping container home. Without having any experience, weve come so far and made so much progress. We cant wait to see what this next year has in store!

Reusing 100 YEAR OLD Metal | Building Off Grid

The first big snow storm of the season is headed our way which means we need to finish working outdoors on the metal components of our project before we get slammed.
Shop Our Apparel: www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/wild-wonderfull-off-grid

We are a couple who are building our own home from the ground up in the mountains of West Virginia. After living near the city our entire lives we finally decided to sell it all, pack up our 3 kids and live in an RV on our 73 acres while we building our own off grid house and learning to live a more self-reliant life.